What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

PINTEREST: Pinterest is an all around, easy-to-navigate online pin board tool, hence the name (PINterest) that displays visuals and text that you can add to underneath. I created a pin on the characters in our film and their stereotypical views.

Here is my Pinterest

PICTOCHART: Piktochart is an infographic tool with various templates for you to use so that the colours and patterns suit the theme. I used Piktochart to research AUDIENCES (open here).


Blogger was the main online tool that I used because it was a multi-media social networking tool which allowed me to collate, archive, display and create research and planning with images, videos, sound files and posts that I could share with my group. Later I used it for feedback and evaluation of my finished work. 

I found Twitter useful as a research tool that enabled me to follow people in the media world as well as examiners and teachers. I created a Twitter account of my own and regularly posted and retweeted myself. I read this article Alan Rusbridger: Why Twitter matters which convinced me of Twitters usefulness as a research tool. 

I used YouTube for research and also used it to upload our finished film.  

I used Facebook to create a page on our film. This was made by Callum Drewett. Facebook was used because most people have Facebook and tend to like pages that they will be interested in. A Facebook page will consist of a picture of the film cover, a screenshot of one of the scenes and some background information about the film itself.

I used SlideShare to present my research on the Gremlins title sequence and we looked at how the names and production company names could be used for our film opening credits


TRELLO Trello is a website that we used to create a checklist that we can move text boxes to different places according to how far we are to completing the task in the box. As you can see I have completed all the tasks that were set at the beginning of the year. 

Emaze presents my work visually like SlideShare in which we could add pictures and words so that we could again look at the opening credits of another film

I found using a mobile useful as we could plan as a group where and when to film and who does what on which days.


iMovie - we used iMovie to put all the film together and add music, transitions and diegetic sound in the form of dialogue over the top to make it sound louder.


We used YouTube to put up and evaluate out film by adding annotations and enabling us to view our finished film.

Contradiction Film - Our finished film

1 comment:

  1. Confident of a wide variety of new technologies in the research, planning, construction and evaluation stages. This answer works best where you have evidence in the form of screenshots and hyperlinks. You need to edit this answer.
