Thursday, 9 March 2017

Welcome Moderator

Welcome, moderator! I am Calum Gethin-Barkway 1418 and I worked with Callum Drewett 1413 , Oliver Roberts 1449 and Alastair Simpson 1452.

Here is my preliminary exercise. 

I hope you enjoy my blog, which contains my work on my G321 Foundation Portfolio. We chose the video brief, the titles and openings of a fictional crime-thriller film which we named Contradiction . My preliminary exercise follows immediately underneath. 

I took specific responsibility for directing parts of our film, editing some scenes and creating the Twitter page for our film.

This is our Final Film - Contradiction

My evaluation questions are above. 

Monday, 23 January 2017


My Film Opening Credits


The distributor's name and logo is likely to appear first in a film opening. Distribution is the launching and sustaining films in the market place .
Uk film distributors spend £300 million a year alone just bringing new releases to market and building awareness and interest among audiences.
Social media is one of the most widely used platforms by distributors to spread their films around and make their audience aware of its existence. The social media platforms that are used are free so they don't contribute to the overall costs of the film.

Opening Credits

opening credits (the title sequence) list is the most important members of the production, such as actors, original novelist, casting director, composer, director of photography, screenwriter and director.

Our opening credits List

1. Studio that is distributing the film: Verve
2. Production company: A Metropolitan Film 3. Main artistic credit: A (name) film; A film by Alastair Simpson 4. Starring: Calum Gethin-Barkway 5. Film Title: Contradiction
6. Featuring Callum Drewett and Oliver Roberts   7. Casting by Alastair Simpson 8. Music by Alastair Simpson Music
9.Edited by Alastair Simpson and Calum Gethin-Barkway
11. Director of Photography Callum Drewett  
13.Written by Callum Drewett and Oliver Roberts screenplay by Callum Drewett and Oliver  Roberts
14. Directed by Alastair Simpson

Monday, 9 January 2017


Today our group created a Padlet, which is an online group organisation chalkboard tool so we can share and contribute to ideas.

Monday, 5 December 2016


British Independent Film Awards (BIFA)

I have been following with interest, the british independent film awards because I wanted to know how the film 'American honey' performed as we were introduced to the fim as a UK independent film when we went on BFI independent study day. It was not immediately successful as there was no big names excepting Shia Labeouf who played the character Jake. I find this film interesting as it is an independent British film which is what I will be making for my A-level Media.

I learned that American Honey is a British independent film because of the British director, contributing parties and key organisations. Andrea Arnold is known for making the film Fishtank which has a budget of only £1.3 million, compare this with Star Wars The Force Awakens which had a budget of £203 million. American Honey is an example of a BFI/ Film4 funding.

Another film that was successful was I, Daniel Blake, this is one of the more significant films due to it addressing very real and current issues within less fortunate societies in the UK. This is called social realism. The director Ken Loach, is known for, within his films, addressing very real and possible relatable issues within our society and that are going on in our country, especially ones that are not necessarily reported on in the news or in other films. Ken Loach is also known for talking out against other British directors for going for the safe options.

Tuesday, 29 November 2016

PLANNING: Interviewing our character

Open Source here.

We have decided to interview our characters to get to know them. This screenshot from the website 'Film Escape' has an article from Charlie Sierra who writes about 'Pen Densham' who is an Oscar nominated film maker who has made 16 feature films. He uses the technique of interviewing characters to allow him to get to know the characters better. 

We will interview the policeman after the incident where he hits the teenager on the bike. We will ask him about the family situation and how much pressure he is under during his work.

Here is the interview:

Psychiatrist: Hello, how are you?
Police Officer: Not bad, I’m pretty good thank you.
Psychiatrist: So, have you been alright recently… has there been anything on your mind at all and still there now?
Police Officer: I’ve just been under a lot of pressure recently.
Psychiatrist: From work?
Police Officer: Mainly from work, but also from home I guess.
Psychiatrist: What’s been happening at work that’s causing you to stress?
Police Officer: I am failing to meet deadlines, my boss is angry, the work is piling and don’t get much time at home for my family.
Psychiatrist: Ok, do you think this has affected you mentally, like do you think it has influenced the accident that happened earlier this week.
Police Officer: What accident? There wasn’t one that involved me.
Psychiatrist: I want you to be honest with me now because I am suspicious of the way you are acting. (Squints eyes)
Police Officer: Okay, yes there was… but it wasn’t anything major I promise. (Rubbing his hands acting aggravated in his chair)
Psychiatrist: Ah, I see. So I am right in saying that there was an accident on your terms and yours only?
Police Officer: Unfortunately yes. (Looks down to his feet)

Psychiatrist: Right… Here is how I’m going to help (places hand on the file of paper before fading black into a cut away shot)

Wednesday, 23 November 2016


I watched a video on Frank Ash who is the creative consultant for BBC Films, who has taught storytelling and creative techniques to people and film crews across the BBC and beyond. 


THE TOP LINE: The story is about police discrimination towards adolescents, who are placed into police custody. However one day the tables turn... The policeman hits a adolescent and he happens to be related to the two discriminated adolescents that are put in police custody. The next day the two adolescent people confront the policeman, they are now in control. 

THE BIG QUESTION: What will happen to the policeman? Will justice prevail?

TREATMENT: set at local bakery, inside the assistant is serving cupcakes. set then outside, boys in a huddle, unwrap the cupcake and the policeman then comes in and sees them behaving 'mischievously'. The teenagers exchange glances and then see the policeman and run. policeman asks what they were doing hailing after them. 
cut to teenagers being released and greeted by a friend who is wearing a hat. Cut to scene were policeman takes phone call from superior.
Cut to scene in which policeman is driving home from work and then boy gets hit. Policeman takes shoulder from boy with hat and rolls him over and displays face of boy.

Friday, 18 November 2016

Audiences Piktochart
