Monday 7 November 2016

RESEARCH Art of the title 3 - Candyman


The 1992 horror film 'Candyman' is based on Clive Barker's tale, 'The forbidden'. The film is built on a foundation of complex themes and real-life events.

The Title sequence starts off in a simple city, most likely America as it has bigger cars on a fairly quiet highway and taller buildings. which goes with the flow of traffic towards the top of the frame. Later on the traffic goes under a bridge or building which gives time for the names of some producers to pop up clearly.
As the final credit - written and directed by Bernard Rose - zooms off, the scene cuts to a huge amount of bees all clustered together, crawling over each other. The last scene of the opening and the segue into the film proper is this shot of the city with a rise up of billions of bees that look like a large cloud of smoke. It then fades into a woman with rouged lips and fair skin, who I then found out was a woman by the name of Helen (Virginia Madsen), who is a blonde and bright eyed, prototypical Hitchcock heroine.

1 comment:

  1. Place the 9 frame image at the top with a hyperlinked caption (such as this: THE TITLE SEQUENCE OPENS HERE).
    Proofread your work: "The forbidden, the film..." "taller buildings. which goes"
